Red Dwarf

1980s British tv sitcom

Red Dwarf tv comedy series cast
Red Dwarf tv comedy series cast
Red Dwarf tv comedy series cast
Red Dwarf tv comedy series cast
Red Dwarf tv comedy series cast
Red Dwarf tv comedy series cast

The last human being alive, the creture that evolved from his cat, hologram of other crew member and an android - all stuck aboard a ship called Red Dwarf drifting through empty space. And yes, this really is comedy series.

Red Dwarf cast

Craig Charles sitcoms as Dave Lister

Red Dwarf crewman that was frozen in time for 3 million years.
Danny John-Jules sitcoms as Arnold Rimmer

Lister’s roommate who’s character is completely opposite - he is unsocial, unpopular and ill-natured.
Chris Barrie sitcoms as Cat

Creature that evolved from Lister’s cat.
Robert Llewellyn sitcoms as Kryten

Cyborg servant that joined the crew after death of his previous owners.
Norman Lovett sitcoms as Holly

Red Dwarf not very bright computer.
Hattie Hayridge sitcoms as Holly

Red Dwarf not very bright computer.
Craig Charles sitcoms as Dave Lister
Chris Barrie sitcoms as Arnold Rimmer
Danny John-Jules sitcoms as The Cat
Robert Llewellyn sitcoms as Kryten
Norman Lovett sitcoms as Holly
Hattie Hayridge sitcoms as Holly
Chloe Annett sitcoms as Kristine Kochanski
Clare Grogan sitcoms as Kristine Kochanski

Red Dwarf supporting cast

Clare Grogan sitcoms as Kristine Kochanski

Girl that Lister wanted to ask out but never got the courage.
Mark Williams sitcoms as Petersen

Lister’s best mate.

Seasons of Red Dwarf

1988 Season 1
1988 Season 2
1989 Season 3
1991 Season 4
1992 Season 5
1993 Season 6
1997 Season 7
1999 Season 8

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 Red Dwarf Red Dwarf Red Dwarf

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