Peter Davison Sitcoms & Comedy Series

Peter Davison

British actor

Peter Davison filmography

Peter Davison sitcoms

1991 - 1991

Fiddlers Three

as Ralph West

Ralph works in a small office and feels frustrated about his job, overdemanding boss J.J., dodgy friend Harvey and inapt subordinate Osbourne.

1995 - 1996

Change at Oglethorpe

as David Clare

David Clare’s dream comes true - he became a train station manager in Oglethorpe despite having very little experience. But soon he realizes it can be hardly described as promotion.

2012 - 2014

Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully

as Richard Lyons

In small village of Cresdon Green, somewhere Buckinghamshire, life goes on as usual. Well, except for the alien race that have invaded the village and isolated it from the rest of the world.

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