Paula Wilcox Sitcoms & Comedy Series

Paula Wilcox

British actress

Paula Wilcox filmography

Paula Wilcox sitcoms

1969 - 1970

The Dustbinmen

as Naomi

Number 3 Gang - four completely different dustbin men (or how they prefer to be called refuse collectors), who have one thing in common - they devote their time to skiving and scheming to earn some money or at least drive their depot inspector mad.

1973 - 1976

Man About the House

as Chrissy Plummer

Two female flatmates, Chrissy and Jo, agrees to share their flat with a student chef Robin as long as he promises to cook for them and keep his hands to himself, which isn’t easy for him, at least the second part.

1991 - 1991

Fiddlers Three

as Ros West

Ralph works in a small office and feels frustrated about his job, overdemanding boss J.J., dodgy friend Harvey and inapt subordinate Osbourne.

2004 - 2005

The Smoking Room

as Lilian

Group of co-workers meet in the smoking room, where there is only one rule - "no shop talk". So they talk about... pretty much everything not work related.

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