Lawrie Wyman Sitcoms & Comedy Series

Lawrie Wyman

British actor

Lawrie Wyman filmography

Lawrie Wyman sitcoms

1959 - 1975

Navy Lark

Radio show about misadventures of Royal Navy crew aboard HMS Troutbridge frigate that would do almost anything to avoid work.

1966 - 1968

Embassy Lark

British embassy in the fictional country of Tratvia with the ambassador Sir Jeremy Crichton-Buller and his first secretary Henry Pettigrew try hard to keep smooth relations between Tratvia, United Kingdom and the other ambassadors (from China, USSR and USA).

1969 - 1969

Big Business Lark

Radio comedy show set in the fictional company Allied British Plastics, where the owner Sir Charles Boniface and his son Frank are trying to deal with all sort of threats that could put ABP out of business.

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